Shop Local week
The UK Government is running a #ShopLocal week next week (10 August), as part of its #EnjoySummerSafely campaign. The week aims to celebrate the British high street – encouraging customers to come back to their safe local shops, supporting the local economy and local jobs.
The Shop Local campaign is about celebrating the British high street. We’re encouraging
customers to come back to their safe local shops, supporting the local economy and local
The Shop Local campaign launches on 10 August 2020 and will run for one week. It is part
of the Government’s #EnjoySummerSafely umbrella campaign, which is running all summer.
How to get involved:
Please support local small businesses in your community by visiting your local high street
this week. That could be as simple as popping out to your favourite greengrocer, bakery or
florist – or any other local shop. We’d love it if you could:
1. Tell us about your visit/s on social media, using the hashtag #ShopLocal and tagging
@BEISgovuk (more handles for different platforms below).
2. Tag your local favourite shops and tell them about the campaign.
3. Check the guidelines and follow #EnjoySummerSafely to help you find other ways to
enjoy summer safely:
Example posts for customers
● I’ve been visiting @x since I was little, and it’s brilliant to see them open again,
welcoming back customers. I’m visiting as part of #ShopLocal week – and look what I
● Shops like x are at the heart of this community. They’ve done so much to make their
shops safe for customers, I’m so glad to be able to #ShopLocal once again.
● Amazing new x at my favourite shop @x. And a good workout to cycle over there
too!. #ShopLocal
● I #ShopLocal because it’s good to support the local community – and because @x
does the best x in the country.
No one is better placed than local small businesses to explain what’s special about shopping
locally. What can your business offer to customers that they cannot get elsewhere? What
makes the customer experience in your store unique and different to what they get online?
You know your customers best. Help us spark a conversation about the benefits in your
We’d love it if you could:
1. Use your social media accounts to join the conversation, telling us why your
community should shop local, using #ShopLocal, to help encourage customers back
to the shops. The more personalised to your community, the better.
2. Post photos, gifs, videos, Boomerangs [on Instagram] that illustrate your key
messages. For example, a photo with your staff; an Instagram Story showing off
some local produce; or maybe a short video showing how you’ve made your shop
safe. Don’t forget to tag @BEISgovuk so we can repost (more handles for different
platforms below).
3. Share this toolkit with other businesses in your area to help them do the same.
Example posts for businesses:
● By shopping here, you are supporting the community – we employ x number of local
staff and it helps our local suppliers too! #ShopLocal @BEISgovuk
● Our products are locally grown/sourced. #ShopLocal with us for personal
recommendations – pop in store to find out more. @BEISgovuk
● Our customers #ShopLocal because we all know each other so well – we’ve been
here for x years and helped customers from multiple generations. We can help
everyone from kids to teenagers to parents to grannies? @BEISgovuk
● We’re a brand new business, but we’re really excited about bringing something this
area’s never seen before. It’s great to be part of #ShopLocal week @BEISgovuk
● We’ve done a lot to keep our business safe, including hand sanitiser, signs, oneway
systems and extra cleaning – we are COVID-secure and ready for the summer – pop
down the road to see our summer stock today. #EnjoySummerSafely #ShopLocal
Campaign partners
Whether you’re a government department or public body, council or local organisation,
business group or charity – we need your help to reach local audiences asking them to
support this campaign.
We’d love it if you could:
1. Share this toolkit now with your networks – make sure that as many businesses as
possible can get involved.
2. Post your support for the campaign during the week of 10 August. You can find
branded assets to help with this here:
These will be updated as the campaign progresses, so please do check back in that
folder. You can also find a narrative for the campaign in that folder, which you can
use on your intranet or in newsletters.
3. Amplify BEIS, partner, and local posts on social media – see our handles below.
Example posts for partners:
● We’re supporting #ShopLocal week. Tell us why you #ShopLocal
@BEISgovuk #EnjoySummerSafely
● Small businesses are the heart of our economy, keep them strong.
Spend Local: Eat Local: Enjoy Local; #ShopLocal
#EnjoySummerSafely @BEISgovuk
✅Local Business
✅Local Products
✅Local Service
Stock up on all your favourites and #ShopLocal this week
#EnjoySummerSafely @BEISgovuk
● Local businesses are reopening safely in your area, ready to provide you with the
products and service you know and love. Invest in your community and #ShopLocal
#EnjoySummerSafely @BEISgovuk
● ��Greengrocer
Whoever it is, show support to your community and #ShopLocal
@BEISgovuk #EnjoySummerSafely
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Our Handles:
When you are posting your own content, please always use #ShopLocal and tag us so we
can find your content. We cannot reshare on some platforms if you don’t tag us, so don’t
forget to use our handles if you’d like us to amplify your post to a wider audience.
BEIS Twitter – @beisgovuk
BEIS LinkedIn
BEIS Facebook – @industrialstrategygovuk
BEIS Instagram – @beisgovuk
If you have any questions or need further information, please contact the relevant person
using the details below:
1. Partners:
2. Digital content: and
3. Other queries:
Connect on Social Media