The aim of the free get-togethers is to allow businesses to meet after work and talk about new projects and opportunities and share advice on everything from accounting, marketing and PR to business accommodation, retail and events.
The aim of the free get-togethers is to allow businesses to meet after work and talk about new projects and opportunities and share advice on everything from accounting, marketing and PR to business accommodation, retail and events.
We meet regularly at The Mill on Springfield in Stokesley, between 5pm-7pm.
You can join our mailing list here Join the Mailing List or find out about future events here Future Events
The Mill, Springfield, Stokesley The MIll website
There’s lots of free parking and it’s very easy to find as you come into Stokesley- right next door to the Co-op!
Do you want to gain more business? Need some advice?
We know that time is precious so there’s no need to commit hours of your week to networking.
Thirsty Thursday attracts a wide range of businesses- from sole traders to those employing a couple of hundred people, pre-start-ups to those who have been around a while longer.
People pop by for anything from ½ hour to the full two hours- it’s entirely up to you.
It’s very informal!
From 5pm, join us to chat and exchange ideas.
We encourage you to bring leaflets and business cards to share with others.
Sue will say a few words to update you on developments, speakers and what’s new in Stokesley.
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