Some apprentice information from our local MP Rishi Sunak

I want our young people to have great opportunities when they leave school. I also want our local businesses and organisations to have ready access to the best young talent.

That’s why we have created a new UCAS system to bring the two together. Supported by local schools and colleges, the North Yorks Apprenticeships online one-stop-shop makes it easy for you to recruit an apprentice and makes it easy for them to find you.

Now is a great time to think about taking on an apprentice:

  • For school leavers, the Government will pay for the entire training costs
  • For SMEs, the Government will also provide a £1,500 grant for each apprentice
  • Financially affordable apprentice minimum wage of £3.30

You can list your apprenticeship easily on our new online UCAS system and young people will apply direct, just like any other job advert. Local schools are ready to help their students search the UCAS system to find opportunities. Local FE colleges are standing by to partner with you to provide your apprentice’s training and handle any of your administrative needs.

I am confident that this initiative will help you grow your business whilst supporting our community. To learn more, please contact our dedicated team for an initial chat at NYadvisor@parliament.uk or on 01609 765329.
If you already offer apprenticeships, please contact us so we can make sure your opportunities are included in the new UCAS portal which all schools will soon start using.

Rishi Sunak MP

Member of Parliament Richmond (Yorks)