Hambleton’s future is in your hands

Consultation on the latest version of a plan that will guide all future development in Hambleton is getting underway.

The district council is currently preparing a new Local Plan which will set out how much land is needed to accommodate new homes and jobs up to 2035 – and where that land should be.

It considers the need for new homes and jobs alongside that for associated infrastructure – shops, community facilities, transport, open space, sport and recreation, health and education – within the context of protecting what is special about Hambleton. The Plan also looks to protect and enhance the countryside, historic buildings and the unique character of the market towns and villages.

Views have already been sought on the authority’s preferred options for sites which resulted in suggestions for a further 83 alternative development sites and 148 potential greenspaces.   Those sites have now been assessed and recommendations made – and the council now wants views on those too.

Members of the council’s Cabinet have recently given their approval to the consultation which runs for six weeks from 21 April.

To view all the consultation documents and supporting documents visit www.hambleton.gov.uk/localplan.  Hard copies of the documents will also be available to view at the district’s libraries and district council offices in Stokesley, Easingwold and Northallerton.

Views and comments can be provided by responding to the questions contained within the Local Plan alternative sites consultation document and the separate green-spaces questionnaire.  This can be done by logging into the Consultation Portal http://consult.hambleton.gov.uk/portal where all consultation documents and supporting documents are available.


For more information contact the Planning Policy Team on 01609 779977, email planningpolicy@hambleton.gov.uk or visit www.hambleton.gov.uk/localplan