Hambleton District Council urges you to have your say on money and services

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Time is running out for Hambleton residents to have their say on how they think local budgets should be spent and which services matter the most for the 2017-18 period.

Hambleton District Council is consulting on its budget and the services it provides for next year (2017-18) and to help shape the budget proposals, the council is inviting people to have their say through this consultation until 28 October 2016.

A spokesperson for Hambleton District Council said: “While local government continues to face significant financial pressures with the Government reducing its grant funding to local authorities, Hambleton District Council aims to achieve efficiency savings to deliver a balanced budget whilst maintaining the same or an improved level of service. We’re urging people to tell us what they want.”

For more details and to submit ideas visit www.hambleton.gov.uk/survey/budget

In addition a special event is being held to allow businesses to put forward ideas in person at a meeting being held on Wednesday 7th December 2-4pm at the Civic Centre, Northallerton. This will be chaired by Louise Branford-White, head of service finance.

If you would like to attend please contact Carol Newman on Carol.Newman@hambleton.gov.uk or 01609 767002.