Can you help Stokesley Library stay open?

A plea from Stokesley Parish Council.


After March 2017 North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) will cease to fully fund Stokesley Library.

Do you think that you might have the skills to participate as a volunteer on the charitable trust that it is hoped will run Stokesley Library from April 2017 as a Community Library?

NYCC confirmed in July 2015 the decision that Stokesley must become a Community Library. The current NYCC funding arrangements are in place until March 2017. If no alternative model is in place by that time Stokesley Library will be closed.

Stokesley Parish Council is keen to find a solution that will see Stokesley Library continue to operate.

We believe that there is strong feeling in the community that this should be so – evidenced by the Town Hall public meeting in June 2015, the response to NYCC consultation and the Save Stokesley


Q. What is needed now to move this forward?

We need volunteers from the community to act as trustees of the CIO and to form the new organisation.

Q. How many?

We are looking for 9 trustees.

Q. What would trustees have to do?

There would be range of roles and activities including:

 Chair

 Treasurer

 Secretary

 Other trustees might have special responsibilities around:

 Volunteer Organisation and Communication

 Library Service Liaison

 Health and Safety

 Premises

 Policies

 IT & Equipment

Q. How much time commitment would it entail?

There would be a monthly trustees meeting. Other than that you would require a good familiarity with the library and you may have specific actions / responsibilities that need you to commit time.

Q. How do I find out more / how do I volunteer?

Please ring: Mike Canavan on 01642 711327 or

Stewart Brennan on 07786 705601 / 01642 714680

Or e-mail your contact details to:

If you can share with our friends, families and local businesses, let’s do our best to keep this great resource in our town!